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Many people often ask what the difference between on-page and off-page SEO is, along with which is more important. It can be confusing when you are new to Search Engine Optimization what to prioritize. In this article I am going to break down what to focus on and when.

On-Page SEO Explained

On-page SEO is when you are optimizing your own website and its pages. This means doing things like adding keywords in text, setting alt tags for images, setting permalinks/slugs for URLS, and tweaking your website speed. Anything that involves your own site that you have control over is on-page optimization.

Off-Page SEO Explained

Off-page SEO involves anything that is on other websites or not in your complete control. For example, submitting your website to directories/creating citations is an example of off-page optimization. The same goes for tasks like guest posting or trying to get featured in websites like Forbes. If it’s not on your website, 99% of the time it’s off-page related.

Which Is More Important

Both on-page SEO and off-page SEO are equally important. Initially, good Search Engine Optimization starts with on-page optimization. Once your own website is set, it’s time to focus on off-page tasks like backlinks, guest posting, citations, and so on. On-page SEO is basically a one and done, whereas off-page optimization is continuous over time. If you ever add new content to your website, you will have to go back and make sure it is optimized properly. 

Good SEO Starts With On-Page Optimization

Proper SEO practices typically involve optimizing your website first. This means setting up your website in a way that is Google compliant and making it easy for Google’s bots to crawl and index your site pages. Typically this part of the process involves setting keywords for each page, sprinkling synonyms and important words into your copy, and creating a sitemap.

The Silver Lining When It Comes To On-Page

The great thing about on-page optimization is that 99% of the time it is a set and forget part of the SEO process. Unless you are publishing new blog posts or adding new products to your ecommerce store, you rarely have to return to on-page optimization. 

Switching Gears – Off-Page & Off-Site

While on-page optimization is crucial to making sure Google picks up on what your business is about, what services/products you offer, etc. that is only half of the battle. You can have the most amazing website in the world, but you need to build authority off of your own website if you want Google to rank your website towards the top of search. One of the factors Google really looks for is how many other websites are linking to yours.

This sends a strong signal that your site is an authority in your space if other related websites point to it. While backlinks should come naturally with producing high quality content, it is also important to expedite the process. One of the best ways to do this without being spammy is publishing guest blog posts. A guest post is a piece of content you write and submit to another website, typically in exchange for a link back to your website. 

Citations are a big component of off-page SEO as well. A citation is essentially a mention of your website somewhere across the web. This is a key area to focus on if you are a local business. You want to make sure you are listed in the typical business directories such as BBB, Google Maps (Google My Business), Yellow Pages, and so on. The way Google sees it, real businesses get their information indexed and published over time to these types of websites. 

Switching Gears


Search Engine Optimization isn’t just about tweaking your own website. You need to make sure you are being mentioned across the internet, and that your website is linked to by other authoritative websites in your niche. Both on-page and off-page SEO are equally important, and one without the other won’t result in your business ranking in the search results. 

Feeling Overwhelmed With SEO?

Search Engine Optimization can be complex and overwhelming…there is a lot involved in the process! If you want to rank your business in Google, we can help. We offer goal oriented, high quality, and affordable Search Engine Optimization services here at E-Man Ink. Stop by today or give us a call at: (716) 297-5073.

On Page SEO Service

Gabriel is our website designer and search engine optimizer here at E-Man Ink. He takes great pride in his work and puts our clients first. He is passionate about technology and the internet of things (IOT).